Monday 24 August 2020

Focus on the theoretical framework: "You need a framework ..."

... with which to structure your reflections ..."


It is now time to strengthen our focus on the theoretical framework on which to build an understanding of what is going on with us as teachers and student as learners.  


When we apply this understanding to our teaching practice, we will improve the quality of our teaching and the learning of our students” (Seed. 6, Hand Book 1) 


Dick Seed introduced a 3-P model when we started our course in Karen, Nairobi in May 2018: 

Pre-existing factors that influence learning 

Processes used in student learning 

The product outcomes of student learning


- see The 3 P Model (10 slides, PowerPoint)




It is our experience from other courses that a deepening of these concepts is very relevant and needed after an action period, because you need concepts in order to conceptualize what is going in your own higher education learning context. 


Therefore, we propose that you now read (at least) one of the 3 red handbooks, which were handed out to you, in the beginning of the course. This is the basic one:


Richard E. Seed (2015): " Dynamics of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: How lecturers teach and students learn. Hand Book 1" 


All the concepts in the handbook are tools you may use when you reflect on your experiences, what to learn from your experiences, and what you will choose as your next steps in your own professional development. and Related 


These PowerPoints (all made by Dick Seed) outlines the most important: 



The 3 P Model 

(10 slides, PowerPoint)Click


Teaching with Focus

(32 slides, PowerPoint)Click


SOLO Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning Outcomes

(10 slides, PowerPoint)Click


Assessment in Learning 

(9 slides, PowerPoint) Click

Introduction to Constructive Alignment

(13 slides, PowerPoint) Click

2 examples from these slides:



Describing Education: Process and Product

(12 slides, PowerPoint)

Click(screenshot of slide)



This handout is a help when you are to formulate learning objectives:


- Action Verbs that Could Be Used when Writing Cognitive Learning Objectives 

(1 page, Word Online)



 Recommended reading:


  - Seed (2015): "Dynamics of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: How lecturers teach and students learn. Handbook 1" 

- Seed (2015): Creative teaching for effective learning: Tools for teaching and curriculum development. Handbook 2"  

- Seed (2015): 

"Assessment in Learning: using assessment to enhance learning. Handbook 3"  


- Biggs & Tang (2011): Teaching for Quality Learning at University.McGraww-Hill, USA 


- What is my pedagogical rationale in use? 

(5 pages, Word Online) Click

Here is an overview of all pages in this blog: 

Click here to jump to anywhere in this blog:

Keep ON going  - Teach better by use of evaluation and action plans

 A warm welcome to all teachers at highshool, college and university-levels Click


Evaluate your own courses

+ Inspirational active learning methods handouts Click

Take small steps every day Click

Planning of deeper learning Click

Focus on the theoretical framework: "You need a framework …” Click


Evaluate your courses together with your students  

5 steps to turn inspiration into action & plan a MIDWAY EVALUATION in your courses Click

Inspiration for how to develop better homework results Click

Inspiration for your next steps: What to learn from your students Click


Evaluate together with a colleague/colleagues , … and train your colleagues Click

Inspiration for your next steps Click

Sources and references Click


(Furthermore, LNKS to 30 inspirational documents are to be found in these blog posts) 


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A warm welcome to all teachers at highshool, college and university-levels

Teaching at all levels is about making our students reach the learning objectives, grow and develop their potential, ... and several dimensi...