Monday 24 August 2020

Inspiration for how to develop better homework results

Here is "The Learning Scientists" bid for better study strategies. 

Everyone knows that a lot of time is wasted on ways of studying that nevertheless does not give lasting learning. This applies to both learning activities and homework in schools and higher education. 


There is often a long way from research results in cognitive psychology to practical implementation. But here is a practical initiative that bridges the gap by not just criticizing practice, but through dissemination of 6 ways to study which together create more lasting learning. 


The initiators, who are cognitive psychologists, have designed 6 strategies & introduced each of them in a short, humorous and inspiring video: 


 "Spaced practice"(click

(Study a theme just a short time, but several times in the following days) 


"Retrieval Practice"(click

(Return several times where each time is linked to the previous, and write down in your own words what you have learned) 



(Ask, explain and connect) 



(Switch between different parts of the theme in focus) 


"Concrete Examples"(click

(Associate what is learned to a number of concrete examples) 


"Dual Coding"(click

(Connect words and visualizations (make your own drawings)) 



The blog offers a poster for each of the 6 stages, introductory PowerPoint’s, blog posts and videos etc. 


These strategies, all of which have cognitive psychological research as basis, may be used as practical study instructions. And in addition, as an inspiration for students and teachers for reflections on what you should spend more time on and what you shouldn't do! 


Discuss these proposals with your students, and let them take parts as experimenters! 

Here is an overview of all pages in this blog: 

Click here to jump to anywhere in this blog:

Keep ON going  - Teach better by use of evaluation and action plans

 A warm welcome to all teachers at highshool, college and university-levels Click


Evaluate your own courses

+ Inspirational active learning methods handouts Click

Take small steps every day Click

Planning of deeper learning Click

Focus on the theoretical framework: "You need a framework …” Click


Evaluate your courses together with your students  

5 steps to turn inspiration into action & plan a MIDWAY EVALUATION in your courses Click

Inspiration for how to develop better homework results Click

Inspiration for your next steps: What to learn from your students Click


Evaluate together with a colleague/colleagues , … and train your colleagues Click

Inspiration for your next steps Click

Sources and references Click


(Furthermore, LNKS to 30 inspirational documents are to be found in these blog posts) 


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A warm welcome to all teachers at highshool, college and university-levels

Teaching at all levels is about making our students reach the learning objectives, grow and develop their potential, ... and several dimensi...