Monday 24 August 2020

Planning of deeper learning

  “When using the deep approach in handling a task, students have positive feelings: interest, a sense of importance, challenge, even exhilaration. Learning is a pleasure”

Source: Biggs J & tang, C. (1999, page 16 in Teaching for Quality Learning at University.


 "Teach so Robert behaves like Susan!" 

or Biggs “Constructive alignment” revisited

These short videos are recommended as an introduction to teachers as well as students:




"Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding" is a 19-minute award winning short-film (in 4 parts) about teaching at university and higher-level educational institutions. It is based on the "Constructive Alignment" theory developed by Professor John Biggs. 


The film delivers a foundation for understanding what a teacher needs to do in order to make sure all types of students actually learn what the teacher intends, and develops a deep learning approach. 


The film is also available in high quality on DVD with subtitles in seven languages (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and Danish). Film homepage:


The video to be found as a CD and on the Internet as 3 smaller videos (all in all 19 minutes)

(1/3): Learning (Student Perspective) &  (2/3): Teaching (Teacher Perspective)$


(3/3): Understanding (Knowledge Perspective)


(4/4): The Solution (Constructive Alignment)


Here is a way to discuss how the theories demonstrated in these videos are relevant in your situation:


- Stop after each section and discuss: Is this relevant in my situation as a teacher: Why/Why not?


- Give the combined videos a title with student names from one of your own classes 

(Instead of  "Teach so Robert behaves like Susan!" 

insert these names and rename the title "Teach so … behaves like …!")

and discuss why you chose these names!? 


- What are you inspired to change in your teaching, and in your students’ perceptions of learning?


Here is an overview of all pages in this blog: 

Click here to jump to anywhere in this blog:

Keep ON going  - Teach better by use of evaluation and action plans

 A warm welcome to all teachers at highshool, college and university-levels Click


Evaluate your own courses

+ Inspirational active learning methods handouts Click

Take small steps every Click

Planning of deeper learning Click

Focus on the theoretical framework: "You need a framework …” Click


Evaluate your courses together with your students  

5 steps to turn inspiration into action & plan a MIDWAY EVALUATION in your courses Click

Inspiration for how to develop better homework results Click

Inspiration for your next steps: What to learn from your students Click


Evaluate together with a colleague/colleagues , … and train your colleagues Click

Inspiration for your next steps Click

Sources and references Click


(Furthermore, LNKS to 30 inspirational documents are to be found in these blog posts) 


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A warm welcome to all teachers at highshool, college and university-levels

Teaching at all levels is about making our students reach the learning objectives, grow and develop their potential, ... and several dimensi...